Aviation FAQ



We launched Aircraft Builder and Aircraft Builder - Try and Buy in 2013. They turned 6 years old this year which is about 10,000 years old in "app years". Unfortunately, it is no longer viable or economical to maintain or support the apps, and we are stopping all support and maintenance of the products from the 1st of October 2019.

We do want to ensure that our existing users receive sufficient notice before the apps are no longer available, which is why the application will only be removed from the App Store on the 1st of October 2020.

We appreciate the support you have provided us, and wish you all the best with your project.

Please do not purchase this product or the In-App Unlock purchase.

I cannot see the Facebook Share options in the App. How do I enable the option?

Screen Shot 1

The Facebook share requires that the device is associated with a Facebook account. The screen, as shown in Screen Shot 2, in the Settings area of your device accepts your Facebook account username and password. Once you have successfully logged into Facebook, the Facebook share icon should now be visible in the application.

How do I change the date format used in my Application?

Screen Shot 2

Navigate to the Settings>General option on the device. An international setting is present on the right hand side of the screen.Select the international option, and then choose the appropriate Region Format you require.

There is an Region Format Example area which will assist you with determining if the setting meets your needs.

Please see Screen Shot 2 as an example.

Is there any plans to allow the iPhone and iPad to sync and keep the same project updated, or am I going to have to choose one and stick with it?

At the moment you have to unfortunately stick with one. We are evaluating whether a web based solution would is feasible.

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